Injection On Call Service

Injection On Call Service

Injection On Call Service

Many health conditions may require injection treatment. This treatment can be carried out at home by a private nurse. If your doctor has provided you with a medical prescription for injections (anticoagulants or others), turn to Advanced Medical Services. We are at your disposal to carry out different types of Injection on call and long-term intravenous treatments. We are also able to give you all types of injections under a prior doctor’s prescription.

Whether it is a vaccine, an injection of corticosteroids, insulin, or other specific treatments, we are authorized to provide you with these injections to measure and at the time indicated in your medical prescription. We guarantee quick, effective, and painless injections.

We are authorized to integrate these injections into a complete care cycle in the context of home care, for example. It is also our responsibility to intervene punctually at specific times of the day to ensure the administration of medication and to monitor the absence of complications following an injection service at home. We also remain available by phone for the slightest concern or simply to follow up or confirm the next appointment.

Injection On Call Techniques

We at Advanced Medical Services follow the type of injections that best suit your condition according to your pathology and the doctor’s instructions. We can give you several types of injections that involve techniques:

  • Intramuscular (deep)
  • Subcutaneous
  • intradermal

Intradermal techniques can present some feelings of discomfort that we can reduce. We also pay attention to your skin type, your veins’ anatomy, and dilation capacities. The elderly and infants will generally need specific needles.

Make an appointment with a Private Nurse

If you have a medical prescription for an injection service, you can make an appointment now with a private nurse at Advanced Medical Services. You will be able to find the list of all contracted liberal nurses who practice in your sector and contact them by telephone.

Advanced Medical Services also allows you to make an appointment with a private nurse for an Injection on call. Our platform quickly lets you contact a nurse available for your home care. To do this, simply specify your request on Advanced Medical Services. Once on the form, you must click on injection and then specify whether it is :

  • vitamins
  • Vaccine
  • Anticoagulant treatment associated with a blood test (platelet control)
  • Anti-inflammatory

Once your request has been registered, we will automatically send the items to the liberal nurses near you. If one of them is available, he will contact you as soon as possible to set an appointment according to your availability.