Dressing At Home

Dressing services at home

Dressing services at home- The good gestures of a home help

Dressing services at home or undressing can be difficult with age, illness, or disability. These daily acts are performed at least twice a day and require certain functional prerequisites: mobility (muscle strength, range of motion, flexibility, and balance), bi-manual coordination, and oculo-manual coordination (dexterity, sensitivity, sight).

When one of these prerequisites is altered by aging or disease, it is often compensated by:

  • Another privileged prerequisite
  • The adoption of other types of clothing
  • The abandonment of the wearing of certain elements of the dressing
  • A longer time devoted to this activity
  • The use of technical aids
  • Human help from a spouse or professional helper.

While respecting your autonomy, our team at Advanced Medical Services offers you tailor-made support with assistance with washing, dressing, and eating meals.

Our Home Dressing Services

Would you like to have caring company and regular or occasional help when dressing/undressing? Advanced Medical Services is able to offer you its Dressing services at home to help you live better in your daily life.

Favoring the logic of home care, our carers are qualified, trained, and experts in their fields and report on all their interventions with the relatives of the elderly person or other professionals in order to operate a complete follow-up. Their role is to secure or reassure the beneficiary, to ensure that this important daily step is carried out correctly and that the person maintains their dignity by continuing to take care of them.

Our home helper must take care of 2-3 small things, in particular, to check that the clothes worn by the elderly person are clean and do not create discomfort (itching, compression, limited movement, etc.) so that it remains a pleasure to get dressed. We also ensure that the elderly choose comfortable and appropriate clothing while considering their expectations.

During dressing, if the elderly person lacks autonomy, you should seek their help as much as possible in order to encourage maximum participation on their part and encourage their autonomy as much as possible. This is a moment of intimacy, so our home helper can cover the bare parts of the person’s body to avoid any discomfort, the idea being that they never feel infantilized.

Home Dressing assistance: how does the intervention take place?

The dressing aid is adapted to each of your needs. In all cases, our dressing nurse respects your daily schedule and goes to your home at the time or time of day that suits you in order to offer you constant serenity and to feel accompanied.

For about fifteen minutes, our nurse participates in the smooth running of the dressing and ensures that the beneficiary is dressed correctly, with clean and seasonal clothes. At the end of the dressing, our home help puts things away and sorts the dirty clothes.

So, without waiting further, contact Advanced Medical Services now and book our Dressing services at home.